BDSM and Trauma

BDSM and Trauma

  Can BDSM Help Heal Trauma?  Through my own personal journey, and work I’ve experienced with clients, this is a question that I’ve pondered a lot. My short answer to this is that it depends. My hope in writing this is to break down some of these complexities and...
Living and F@*king with an STI

Living and F@*king with an STI

Reducing the Stigma Surrounding STI’s I was 16 when I contracted genital herpes. I laid in my bathtub after going to the doctor, the tears pouring down as I fearfully awaited the test results. “Please God”, I said aloud, “please don’t let this be herpes. If it’s...
Why Sex Therapy?

Why Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is a way to develop a clearer understanding of an individual’s deeply personal sexuality, allowing for a reclamation of all individuals’ birthright as fully developed, confident sexual beings Don’t only weird people with major issues see shrinks? And a...
Mindfulness of Sex

Mindfulness of Sex

7 ways to intimately connect with your body (in and beyond the bedroom) How is it that in our sexual lives- one place that is so much about the body, we can get so far outside of our bodies, disconnect, and get lost in our heads? Sex, like anything else, can be...